保存状態がよく、綺麗なものはあまり出てこないと思います。主に下士官等に最適。吊り金具と軍服は撮影用です。It is not often that well-preserved and clean ones turn up.Suitable mainly for non-commissioned officers, etc.The hanging brackets and military uniforms are for photographic purposes only.種類···パッチ・ワッペン・勲章分類···日本海軍分類···日本陸軍
保存状態がよく、綺麗なものはあまり出てこないと思います。主に下士官等に最適。吊り金具と軍服は撮影用です。It is not often that well-preserved and clean ones turn up.Suitable mainly for non-commissioned officers, etc.The hanging brackets and military uniforms are for photographic purposes only.種類···パッチ・ワッペン・勲章分類···日本海軍分類···日本陸軍
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