前期修正版の古代ミュウです。状態は角傷もなく、いい方かと思います。引っ越し代が集まり次第、出品は取りやめます。パンフレットもお付けします。特徴: プロモThis is the corrected version of Ancient Mew from the previous edition. The condition is good, with no corner damage. Once I have gathered enough money for moving expenses, I will stop listing this item. I will also include the pamphlet.
前期修正版の古代ミュウです。状態は角傷もなく、いい方かと思います。引っ越し代が集まり次第、出品は取りやめます。パンフレットもお付けします。特徴: プロモThis is the corrected version of Ancient Mew from the previous edition. The condition is good, with no corner damage. Once I have gathered enough money for moving expenses, I will stop listing this item. I will also include the pamphlet.
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